I Had a Selfish Voice
Published in
Jun 27
For so long, I have personally dealt with issues of low Self-Esteem, Loneliness, Fearfulness, Introversion, and Shyness… and the Hurt that comes from these things.
I have long had a fear of speaking up around strangers. A fear of saying something that would be perceived as stupid, irrelevant, awkward, valueless. A fear of saying something that was not important enough, not witty enough, not eloquent enough.
So I retreated into a shell… a cage of my own making.
Where these feelings originated from, I don’t know. Maybe it came from not having much of a relationship with my biological father. Maybe it came from hiding who I was or feeling that I was different from early on in my life. Or maybe it was just the personality that I was born with, independent of external factors.
Whatever the cause, I have undergone an evolution, a transition to a more confident person who can speak up, and speak to other people, with less fear of judgement or rejection.
Photo by Shane Rounce on Unsplash
I’ve been on a journey of reading self-improvement books, meditation, self-introspection — and most importantly, connecting with the Universe… learning how to understand and control my part of the Universe. After all, knowledge and self-control are antidotes to fear.
I fear people a lot less from an emotional standpoint. I’m okay when someone does not take a liking to me because there will always be some people who like and appreciate me, and others who do not.
And that’s ok. I don’t need to fear that anymore.
I can speak to a stranger. I can speak more freely to my friends. I can go to a social event and not feel terrified. I can speak in front of a (small) group and not be so nervous to do something as simple as say my name and where I’m from… like I used to. I have met new friends that have literally told me that I’m great, and that I have a wonderful spirit, and a beautiful smile.
I crave human interaction. Every human needs it. Even the shy, fearful ones who keep themselves walled away from other people, whether consciously or unconsciously.
Now that I have come so far in my journey — although I’m still not at the final goal — I’d like to help others traverse that desert of loneliness and come out the other side to a state of confidence and fulfillment in who they are and what they need to say with their voice.
It’s S.E.L.F.I.S.H to withhold your voice from the world. Your voice is an essential part of the Universe — simply because you were born into it. Your voice needs to be expressed and fully realized. You have unique character traits and skills that bring joy and benefit to the rest of the world, or at least to your part of the world or Universe.
I realized that I need to… I can… and I will share my voice more fully with the world. And my mission is to help others to do the same… and to help them improve themselves in other ways too.
I am good enough to be heard and to be appreciated. Everyone is. Except for truly horrible evil people of course. But even they, at one point, had a valuable voice that may have been cruelly taken away from them.
The world would be a better place if everyone’s voice was heard and valued. From the lowliest person with no home to the most beautifully persuasive orator.
I hope I can help people to find their voice and to feel free and confident to release their voice from its cage. I hope to influence my part of the Universe to make people launch their own journey to conquer their emotions of low Self-Esteem, Loneliness, Fearfulness, Introversion, and Shyness… and the Hurt that comes from these things.
I’m back on here. And hi, I’m Max, and I’m from Charlotte. 😊